Monday, October 10, 2011

Moving Sucks/Is Awesome

This is going to be the one and only whiny, complainy post dedicated to why moving sucks, because it does. 99.9% of the time I'm amped out of my mind to be moving to Chicago. It's just the other .1% of the time that it absolutely blows, and here's why:

1. I have a teeny tiny car.

I drive a Honda Civic. It gets great gas mileage and for the most part it's an awesome car, but, as you all know, size matters. The trunk on this car is relatively big, but not nearly big enough for an interstate move. Luckily for me IKEA is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. As for the rest of my 23 years' worth of accumulated shit? That's on me and my baby Asian car.

2. I'm really bad at packing.

If you know me at all you already know that I always forget something big. I get really tied up in details, like remembering a specific pair of earrings or floss or the right pair of underwear for each dress I packed. Remembering all these little things prevents me from remembering big, important things, like my phone or tickets. Almost every time I'm responsible for remembering tickets to the concert/sporting event/anything I'm going to, I forget them. It's not even funny. I annoy myself when I do it yet I can't seem to not do it in the first place. Knowing that I do this even gives me anxiety that I'm going to do it, and you would think that would help me remember to do it. But no. Luckily I don't need tickets to move to Chicago, but I do need other stuff that I'm likely to forget. Like pants.

3. When it comes to driving long distances, I'm That Girl.

Normally, I try very hard in my everyday life not to be That Girl. You know That Girl. She overanalyzes texts from her boyfriend, she doesn't want to get dirt under her fingernails, she's a vegetarian this week because Kate Middleton is, etc. That Girl is also known for being extremely annyoing on long car rides, and that's exactly how I get. If it were up to me I'd never drive anywhere if it took longer than like two hours. I'll do it, and I've done it, but it's not cute. I get tired and antsy and my ass gets sore (insert That's What She Said joke here). Metro-Detroit to Chicago is about 4 hours and I'll be making the trip 3 times in 5 weeks. The only thing keeping me from going absolutely bonkers on the drive is knowing that in 2 weeks I'll never be forced to make the drive again. Until Thanksgiving. Fuck.

To counterbalance all the That Girl-esque whining, there are so many reasons why I'm pysched to be moving to Chicago. The actual list is longer than time, so here's a few randomly selected highlights:

1. Not living at home
2. Not living in the suburbs
3. Being able to watch every Blackhawks game
4. The improved possibility of running into Jonathan Toews
5. Not living at home
6. Being able to see Soldier Field and Lake Michigan from my living room
7. Not living at home
8. Bars. So many bars.
9. Boys. So many boys. Ones I didn't go to elementary school/high school/college with.
10. Jamba Juice

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