I hate Trending Topics. I hate them. Mostly because every time you click on them it's either something Bieber or Twilight related, or just some middle school nonsense that I'm too old to find funny. TTs are also a breeding ground for bad grammar and spelling. Today #girlcode was a TT. Joke's on you, Twitter. There's no such thing as girl code. Girls who think they prescribe to any sort of girl code absolutely do not. Girls are mean, vindictive and vicious and the worst part is they do it with a smile. I say "they" and not "we" because in my wild delusions I don't take part in this stupid, petty behavior. I have and I do, but I like to pretend I don't. Anyway, we may not all stick to any sort of girl code, but there is one phrase we all have said more than once. In this era of texting, tweeting, blogging, etc, so much is lost in digital translation. You've all said it, thought it, texted it to someone else:
What did he/she mean by that?
Whether it's a boyfriend, a guy you like, a girlfriend or a frenemy (a word made up specifically for these "girl code" following a-holes), we've all overanalyzed a text or tweet. Looking for the connotation that fits our needs or convincing ourselves that it couldn't possibly be that, we read and re-read until all the words mean nothing, or until the next text comes in that needs analyzing. I hate this insane behavior. Even fully knowing it's insane, I'm doing it right now. Trying to figure out what the fuck anyone means by anything they say online is enough to make your head spin. But we'll keep doing it. Because we're girls and that's what we do.
so true. girls HATE each other for no reason. and over-analyze EVERYTHING